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6 Ways to Master Learning Skills


Study is very important for all people. However, some students can catch up the points and understand clearly, but some other students don’t. Now they can practice and follow these methods below;

1. Listening Carefully
Students have to pay attention to teacher’s explanation in teaching time. They must not turn their attention to the other points. They only focus on the lesson and teacher’s explanation.

2. Thinking Critically
Students have to think of the parts of the lesson that are being taught. They only think about the points that they don’t know. What points they understand or what points they don’t understand!

3. Asking
Students have to ask the questions on the points that they do not know in order to make sure they completely understand the subject.

4. Teaching
Students have to teach/show/explain the others what they have learned or understood. This action can make them increase and master their subject faster.

5. Analyzing
After the lesson was completely finished, students have to analyze what is right and what is wrong to make sure what points to take and not to take, what points understand and don’t understand. Are there any doubts or not?

6. Taking Notes
Students have to write down what teacher have explained or described into notebook. This means that writing can improve more understanding and rememberable.  


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